Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit?
A: Yes, we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public benefit corporation.
Q: How long has Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. been operating?
A: Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. was registered in California November 11, 2023.
Q: Are my donations tax deductible?
A: Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. has filed an application with the Internal Revenue Service requesting tax exempt status. At the present time we are awaiting a decision by the Service. When tax exempt status is conferred this website will be updated to reflect the fact all donations are tax deductible.
Q: What portion of my donation will be applied to directly support the nonprofit’s mission?
A: Everyone associated with Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. is a volunteer. This means 100% of every dollar donated, less the actual cost of hosting this website, is applied toward the legal fees necessary to rescue a Filipina from an abusive marriage and obtain their permanent residency.
Q: How is an abused immigrant spouse specifically helped by my donation?
A: The law requires K1 Filipinas obtain assistance from their husbands to get permanent residence. Your donation helps pay the legal fees for a Filipina stuck in an abusive marriage allowing her to obtain her permanent residence without the assistance of her spouse. When an abused Filipina knows she has legal help to assist her in obtaining permanent residence without the need for cooperation from an abusive spouse, she is empowered to escape from her abusive situation.
Q: How can an abused immigrant Filipina obtain help from Pinay Rescue USA, Inc.?
A: If an abused Filipina wishes to obtain financial assistance with the legal fees associated with obtaining her permanent residence, she may either contact Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. to request an application or alternatively she may contact our affiliated law firm which can submit an application directly to Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. on her behalf.
Q: What type of financial assistance is available toward paying legal fees for abused immigrant Filipinas?
A: Filipinas approved for financial assistance are provided a grant which does not have to be repaid. Grants are paid directly to the law firm performing the legal services for the abused Filipina.
Q: How much money is awarded in a grant?
A: The amount of the grant depends on the applicant’s need and the availability of funds. Need is determined by evaluating the financial circumstances of the applicant.
Q: What are the steps in the process of seeking assistance from Pinay Rescue USA, Inc.?
A: The first step is to contact our affiliated law firm and get a free consultation with an attorney to determine whether you’re eligible for immigration relief. If eligible for immigration relief, inform the attorney you wish to apply for a grant from Pinay Rescue USA, Inc. to assist with your legal fees. Your attorney will work with us to ensure an application is submitted on your behalf.
Q: How long does it take to receive an answer on a grant application?
A: Grant applications are reviewed by the grant committee on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Decisions are made on the day the grant committee meets and notices regarding decisions are typically dispatched to the affiliated law firm the next day. Law firm clients will usually hear from the law firm regarding their grant application within 48 hours of a decision.